The OA knee pain reduction
you need right where
you need it
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is
a substance already in
the fluid of your knee.
It helps lubricate the
joint. When you have osteoarthritis (OA), the HA in your joint becomes lower in weight and therefore less effective.
EUFLEXXA is a hyaluronic acid that’s
injected directly into the knee by your
healthcare provider. It replenishes some
of the HA in your knee, helping with the
lubrication and shock absorption you need
within the knee joint.
It’s created in a controlled
environment—with a precise, multistep
cleansing and filtering process. This creates a highly purified, gel-like HA
It’s also animal free.
How to know if you're
ready for treatment
If any of these sound like you, EUFLEXXA may be able to help.
Remedies that used to work
for me
(eg, ice packs, exercise,
etc) don't have
the same
effect anymore. -
I’ve cut back (or stopped)
participating in daily
activities I used to enjoy. -
Over-the-counter pain
medications like acetaminophen
don't relieve my pain.
1. #1 prescribed HA is based on rolling 12-month average of IQVIA claims data from unique patients (November 2021).
2. Kirchner M, Marshall D. A double-blind randomized controlled trial comparing alternate forms of high molecular weight hyaluronan for the
treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2006;14(2):154-162.